KOMEET – mobile app for intensive care documentation


supported by funding initiative »Leitmarktwettbewerb Gesundheit.NRW«
from March 2017 to February 2020
in collaboration with Uniklinik Aachen and Philips ITA

   Logo Philips-GmbH-Innovative Technologies Aachen   pixolus – mobile Datenerfassung per Kamera

Project Description

Main goal of project KOMEET is the digital recording of patient-related medical data in the medical and care sector using mobile devices. Not only does it assure quality and improve treatment results. It also enables telemedical cooperation between remote hospitals and university clinics, and can support health care in the domestic environment.

For further details on KOMEET check out Uniklinik RWTH Aachen website.

pixolus in KOMEET

Even with medical data being recorded electronically from numerous devices, nursing staff and doctors are at the center of any hospital documentation system. Our goal in KOMEET therefore is to achieve clarity and usability for the users of a documentation app. They should be able to document or retrieve data and events at any time and on the move. In particular, the use of specialized scan modules is intended to simplify data input and reduce the probability of errors.


Our documentation app for smartphones and tablets will show the latest patient data at any time. But even without a server connection, the app will work at all times thanks to its internal database. Data synchronization is encrypted according to the state of the art in order to guarantee best patient protection. Depending on the standard used by hospitals, the server can be operated locally or in the cloud. The standards of the electronic data representation can be adapted regarding semantics and syntax.

The simplicity of the tool is particularly important to us, which is why we are developing a clear user interface. It can furthermore be adapted and extended according to the particular situation in the hospitals. Our scan modules are designed to capture data from e.g. device displays that are not directly electronically connected and to store them right away. Analog information as well as barcodes can also be scanned to extend the range of applications.

camera-based capture of patient care data

camera-based capture of data (©Uniklinikum RWTH Aachen)


Aachen2025 (28th/29th SEP 2018)
Aachen2025 pixolus KOMEET Aachen2025 – The Digital Festival.
Together with our partners, we presented the current status of the NRW KOMEET project in the field of eHealth.

Medica 2018 (12.-15. NOV 2018)
2018 Medica pixolus KOMEET patient care data capture documentationA first show case system was set up for the project presentation within the framework of Medica 2017 at the NRW joint stand. This consisted of a simple app in which a scan module for a common lung ventilator can already be called up. The collected data is transferred to a simplified version of the server, which displays it over time on a dashboard. At the Medica 2018 we will present the further developed state. Hall 15 | C05 / E06. https://www.medica-tradefair.com