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More high-resoluting pictures in our Google photo collection (reference: ©pixolus).

pixolus CEOs Dr. Mark Asbach & Dr. Stefan Krausz show meter reading by pixometer

pixolus team with meters

pixolus team mit smartphones

pixometer meter reading SDK | functions & benefits

meter reading by smartphone camera

Reading LC Displays / Digital Meters with pixometer

view of detected meter on display of device

pixometer Screen overview energy consumption costs

costs as a clear diagram

pixometerPro - meter reading by mobile field force device

detection of IBAN, BIC, amount & Co. - scanned instead of typed in

icon of pixometer app

Spent too much? Cost tracking with pixometer

electricity meter, gas meter and water meter

gas meter reading by smartphone camera

reading an electricity meter by android tablet

reading an electricity meter by iPad mini (iOS)

Marco Lierfeld demonstrates meter reading by motion tablet


pixometer: Why scanning meter readings makes a difference!

A wise move: meter reading with pixometer:

a wise move - meter reading with pixometer

Interview with Mark Asbach (CTO) @ CeBIT 2015:

Mark Asbach in TechLounge-Interview at CeBIT 2015

Mark Asbach in TechLounge-Interview at CeBIT 2015

Pixolus OCR: Jednoduchšia práca s plynomermi, elektromermi a vodomermi

See also pixolus YouTube channel