Update: new pixometer SDK

pixometer LCD Digitaler Zähler Scan

verbesserte Erkennung digitaler Zähler (LCD)

We are happy to announce a new version of our pixometer SDK. The SDK is available as an evaluation release upon request. Version 3.0.3 will operate until 2016-03-31 and supersedes version 3.0, that stops operating at 2016-11-30.

These are the main improvements over the last version:

  • Improved autofocus performance for LCD meters on Android
  • Added barcode reading support on Android devices without Google Play Services
  • Support for camera permission requests on Android API level 23 and iOS 10
  • Several bug fixes for barcode reading on Android.

A comprehensive list of all changes can be found in the provided “NEWS” file.

Get it now!
You also would like to test our SDK without any costs? Then please sent a simple request to stefan.krausz(at)pixolus.de. We will respond with the link to the cost-free evaluation release.

Posted on 15. November 2016 in News, pixometer

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